Doom 3 - Review

Doom 3 is a survival horror science fiction game in the year 2145 on Mars. The player is in control of space marine sent from Earth to investigate multiple incidents. The story begins on a military-industrial corporation that has set up a scientific research facility on Mars to research into fields such as teleportation, biological research, and advanced weapons design. However, the teleportation experiments unintentionally open a gateway to Hell, resulting in a terrible invasion by demons.


The Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) is the largest corporation on Earth that has set up are research facility on Mars to conduct research into advance scientific areas such as biological research, space exploration, advance military weapons and teleportation. The story begins when UAC board members Elliott Swann and his bodyguard Jack Campbell arrive at Mars city, the main access to the UAC’s Mars base, landing from an Earth transport with an anonymous marine just behind them. Swann and Campbell have arrived Mars to investigate multiple incidents that heated the conference meeting with the main in charge of Mars laboratories Dr. Malcolm Betruger. While the marine heads to Master Sergeant Thomas Kelly for orders. Kelly gives the instructions to find a scientist from the Delta Labs who is missing, later found in a nearby decommissioned communications facility trying to send a warning to UAC on Earth about Betruger’s teleportation experiments, while the doctor tries to explain the situation to the marine another teleportation experiment loses containment sending a shock wave to the entire Mars base that transforms most of the personnel into zombies as the forces of Hell start invading through the teleporter’s portal destroying everything in their path and killing what’s left of the base scientists and engineers on the facility. The marine returns to Mars city, where Kelly remotely gives orders to link up with another squad of marines to get a transmission card containing a distress call to the communications facility to call for reinforcements from Earth. The marine learns that Swann and Campbell have survived, and are also in route to the communications facility to prevent any messages being sent in hope of containing the situation on Mars. While the marine squad is ambushed and slaughtered by demons in the EnPro Plant. Bulk of equipment at the communications facility is destroyed by Campbell but marine however recovers the transmission card, Kelly directs the marine to a backup system where he is given the choice to obey Kelly’s orders to send for reinforcements from Earth, or accept Swann’s argument to keep Mars isolated until the exact nature of the invasion is understood, to find a way to stop the invasion if possible before endangering Earth.
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The marine is told to go to the Delta Labs by Kelly or Swann, depending on the players choice, the transmission sent or not sent, on his way to Delta Labs the marine is contacted by Betruger who is working in collaboration with Hell demons in order to invade Earth, Betruger is trying to use reinforcement ships to transport Hell demons to Earth but only if the marine had sent the distress signal to Earth. Betruger then tries to kill the marine with toxic gas but is unsuccessful in the base’s recycling facilities. As marine explores Delta Labs he learns details of the experiments behind the teleportation, an ancient civilization relic known as the Soul Cube, a weapon created by an ancient civilization discovered on Mars to defend against the forces of Hell and the expeditions into Hell to retrieve specimens and Betruger’s increasing obsession with the tests on demons from Hell. Marines also learns a critical detail of the invasion that a scientist explains, the invasion began when Betruger took the Soul Cube into the portal, leaving it in Hell that had prevented the invasion on Mars before the expeditions. Because the Soul Cube weapon is in the position of Hell demons, leaving no way to defend Mars, demons from Hell start invading Mars and if not stopped then Earth too will be next. The marine then tries to kill Betruger in the labs but gets pulled into the main teleportation portal after being tempted into the trap by Betruger. The Portal takes marine directly into Hell, where he fights his way through the large number of demons to retrieve the Soul Cube weapon that is the only hope in defeating the demons and ending the invasion. The Soul Cube is guarded by a demon as marine defeats the demon, he then reinitializes the teleportation equipment left by researchers in Hell and returns to Delta Labs on Earth by teleportation and destroys the main teleporter on his return. Betruger tells marine that Mars main teleporter maybe have been destroyed but Hell is opening a Hellmouth on Mars that is capable of bringing millions of demons from hell to Mars. Later in Delta Labs, marine finds an injured Swann that informs him that Kelly has been working with Hell demons the whole time and that Kelly has changed into a demon and Campbell has gone after Kelly, Swann gives the marine his PDA that contains the details of the Hellmouth’s location under the surface of Mars and promises him that he will leave the base alone.
As marine finds Campbell extremely wounded in the central computer processing sector of the base, Campbell tells the marine that Kelly has taken the advance weapon BFG-9000 that he had before he dies. Then Kelly begins insulting the marine in a demonic voice (scary demon voice), the marine then kills Kelly that appears to be a cybernetic human and takes the Campbell’s BFG-9000 weapon before going deeper under the Martian surface to Site 3, where the Soul Cube was discovered. The marine finds the Hellmouth using the PDA that is defended by the Hells mightiest warrior known as Cyberdemon and then defeats the demon using the Soul Cube and then seals the Hellmouth, finally ending an existential threat. Later the reinforcements arrive on Mars to investigate the site ending any remaining threats but are unable to locate Betruger on the facility on Mars, who is left back in Hell, reincarnated like a dragon-like demon no longer human.


The game is outstanding, the graphics is great, sound effects are great and the story is great. The idea of teleporter opening a gateway to Hell is not like actual Hell from any religion but nothing less than Hell as one can imagine. The player has to find best weapons on the facility for his/her survival, sure you can just cheat codes that I added below. I found the game a bit too difficult so I suggest playing in ‘GOD MODE’ and don’t worry it is still enjoyable. You do still run like hell and try your best shooting at the demons to stop them from attacking you, even when you don’t die. Play the game slowly and don’t rush unless you know and have the right weapons because dealing with one demon might be a good idea then running in the map and finding more demons chasing you. Be ready when you open doors as it may happen that a demon is right behind the door that will attack you as the door opens. You may find GOD MODE handy if you can’t find a way out or get stuck in some level because you’re being killed so many times. I simply wrote the cheat codes on a paper I frequently used, you can use your printer too. Opening locked doors and finding keys is what makes the game so long to end the story. Even with the cheat codes the game is difficult, if you disagree leave a comment. DOOM4 is going to be released in 2016 and players will be able to create their own twisted maps with traps and demons that attack and, of course, players will be sharing their creations with the online community or friends. I did find one piece of the story weird that a Mars civilization had created a weapon for defending against hell demons, instead, the story should have been that Soul Cube was a great weapon of choice in defeating the demons and not the only weapon to defeat them.

Cheat Codes

While playing the game (after the map is loaded), keyboard shortcut "[Ctrl] + [Alt] + ~" to display the console window, where you may type the code you desire, just remember every time the map is loaded you have to enter the code again.


CPU: Intel Pentium-4 2.4GHz or AMD Sempron 2400+
RAM: 1GB or 2GB
OS: Windows 7 x64, Windows 8.1 x64
Video Card: Nvidia ANY or AMD Radeon 9550
Disk Space: 2.5GB required for installation
DirectX: DirectX 9
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