BioShock 2 - INFO
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BioShock 2 is a first-person shooter game published by 2K-Games and was released on (February 9 2010). BioShock 2 story continues in a hidden underwater city of Rapture, this hidden city was built for humanity’s greatest minds to work in peace, outside the control of world’s governments. Scientist discover a substance called ADAM that gave test subjects super human abilities but with some side effects. Soon the utopia became hell as class differences grew and corrupt minded took control over ADAM substance. The game has ranked 10/10 and has sold over 562,9000 units on Xbox 360 and 190,500 on PlayStation 3. The game story can be expanded by the DLC “S
inclair Solutions Test Pack”, the DLC added 2 new characters, two new masks, a new “
rebirth” gene tonic, a new “
Kill ‘Em Kindly” game mode, 3 more trophies for PS3 version, 6 new maps, increased level cap up to level 50, three more achievements for the Xbox 360, and upgrades.
Supported Platform(s): Microsoft-Windows, Xbox-360, PlayStation-3, OS-X.
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The player takes control of the first test subjects who was abandoned by its creators known as Subject Delta. The main objective in the game is to rescue almost all Little Sisters and harvest few Little Sisters as possible. The player can defeat other Big Daddies and either harvest or adopt those Little Sisters. If the player adopts a Little Sisters, then she will lead the player to the corpses from whom she can extract more ADAM. While the Little Sister extracts ADAM, the player must defend her from splicers and other enemy attacks. The player will explore Rapture city and fight off splicers, the remaining psychotic humans by using combination of weapons, tonics, plasmids, and environment. If the player is killed during combat, the player is then revived in the nearest “vita-chamber”. The player gains abilities such as telekinesis or can raise fire by using plasmids.
![BioShock 2 - Screenshot](
![BioShock 2 - Screenshot](
The player’s movement speed, damage resistance, and attack damage can be increased by using tonic. Many resources like ammo, health, recovery items, money, and EVE (EVE is used to power plasmid use) can be collected as the player explores Rapture. When the player begins recording an enemy, the player has a short time to kill the target in a creative way in order to gain research points and the player is rewarded with new abilities at various levels of research. If you the player needs more resources like ammo, plasmids, and other items, money can be used to buy such items at vending machines around the Rapture city. The player can use plasmid to freeze the enemies and use spear gun the shatter it.
Melee can be used in close range attacks. Security systems can be hacked by completing a mini-game but failing will in the mini-game will reduce small amount of health.
![BioShock 2 - Screenshot](
Multiplayer Features: The player can choose from between 6 characters to serve as an in-game avatar, those characters are: Barbara Johnson (a housewife), Jacob Norris (a welder), Danny Wilkins (a football star), Buck Raleigh (a businessman), Naledi Atkins (a pilot), and Suresh Sheti (an Indian mystic), the DLC will add two more characters: Zigo d'Acosta (a fisherman) and Mille Blanche de Glace (an actress). There are up to 7 different multiplayer modes: Survival of the Fittest, Civil War, Last Splicer Standing, Capture the Sister, ADAM Grab, Team ADAM Grab, and Turf War. Click on the image on the right to view details about each multiplayer mode.
STORY (BioShock 2, 2010)
DLC: The "Sinclair Solutions Test Pack", released on (March 11 2010)
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Direct sequel to BioShock (2007), BioShock 2 story begins in the year 1958, eight years after in the BioShock story. As Subject Delta is on patrol with his Little Sister, Eleanor. Delta gets separated from his Little Sister by a Lamb, Eleanor’s mother. Delta is then forced to kill himself by using a mind controlling plasmid. But after ten years, Delta awakens, revived by Little Sisters and his sister Eleanor. Delta is drawn towards Eleanor by their connection. Brigid Tenenbaum soon encounters Delta, and explains that Delta must be reunited with his Little Sister Eleanor, otherwise his physical and mental conditions will cause Delta to fall into a coma. With the help of Tenenbaum, Eleanor’s and her Little Sisters, Delta makes his way towards Lamb’s stronghold, on his way he encounters members of the Rapture family, and also uncovers Lamb's plan that Lamb wants to use ADAM to convert Eleanor into one of her perfect loyal ideals. Lamb wants everyone in the Rapture to become a part of Eleanor’s minds and memories with the use of genetic memory in ADAM. Lamb believes doing this will put an end to “The Self”.
![BioShock 2 - Screenshot](
Delta reaches the containment chamber where Eleanor is apprehended but Lam captures Delta and attendants his bond by temporarily stopping Eleanor’s heart. Eleanor survives while Delta begins to slowly die because their bond cannot be re-established. Eleanor transforms herself by using a Little Sister and becomes a Big Sister and breaks out of the containment chamber. Together they head to Sinclair as he has arranged to leave Rapture using the escape pods. As Eleanor and Delta reach the escape pods, Lamb’s final trap mortally wounds Delta while he grabs the side of the escape pod and climb its top as it rises.
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The ending depends on how the player works with the Little Sisters, and if Alexander, Holloway, and Poole live or die.
1) Eleanor can let Sofia die or she can save her, this depends on the player if Alexander, Holloway, and Poole are spared or executed.
2) If the player (Delta) rescued all of the Little Sisters, then Eleanor will absorb the player’s good personality and memories and leave Rapture with the Little Sisters to change the world for the better.
![BioShock 2 - Screenshot](
3) If the player (Delta) harvested all of the Little Sisters, then Eleanor will absorb the player’s bad personality and become evil. Bent on world domination, as the corpses of the Rapture’s inhabitants float to the surface.
![BioShock 2 - Screenshot](
4) If the player (Delta) rescued only few and harvested most of the Little Sisters, then the player will be given a choice, either Eleanor can absorb his bad personality and memories and become evil, or the player can refuse to absorb and let Eleanor die, in which case Eleanor will grieve his death and make her own way in life.
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