Download and install this Add-on/Extension www.mywot.com/en/download and then restart the browser, what it does is block all sites that are ranked poor by thousands of online users that have reported using WOT or have viruses that harm your system and you can get all the details about the extension after it is installed. The red circle will appear on your search results and will prevent you from going to the site unless you manually take the risk. Such site mostly have viruses and scam or just selling something useless. Each circle has a meaning as you can see below, if you have kids use a PC share or there own, you should really consider adding this Add on to you browsers so they don't install or visit a site that's not worth visiting and teach them about these circles so they can stay safe online. WOT ratings are being powered by worldwide community of millions of users who rate websites based on their own experiences and after adding so can you, you just need to sign in using your Facebook create-account. Add WOT to you browser for protection against online threats, such as scams, untrustworthy links, and rogue web stores. If this was helpful to you take some time and leave your comment below.-
WOT is downloaded and Installed by over: 140,000,000
You can block flash players and other flash content on page that slow your page loading by installing the extension below, you can allow flash to be loaded by clicking the icon that appears where the flash gets blocked.INSTALL ON MOZILLA FIREFOX
This extension blocks all trackers that are stealing your personal information for advertisement. Very easy to manage using its user interface. You can white list a website or block all unnecessary content of a website that slows your browsing experience. This speeds up your page loading and also protects you from unwanted scripts and advertisers that are tracking you.Offlicial Website visit and Install
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